Earth is the first of four sculptures that explores the importance of inner peace through elemental connections. The sculpture aims to inspire the viewer to reconsider their relationship with the environment and take action towards a greener future.
Earth is the first of four sculptures that explores the importance of inner peace through elemental connections. The sculpture aims to inspire the viewer to reconsider their relationship with the environment and take action towards a greener future. This photograph is just a sneak peak at this stage.
The Royal Family are based on local birdlife in Christchurch; fantail, pukeko, pheasant and duck, who all continue to survive through changing times. A metaphor for people adapting to change; New Zealanders are resilient. All are painted on wall sculptures made from debris collected from the Christchurch earthquakes.
Earth is the first of four sculptures that explores the importance of inner peace through elemental connections. The sculpture aims to inspire the viewer to reconsider their relationship with the environment and take action towards a greener future.